Friday June 21st, 2024 - from 3:00pm to 7:00pm
U.S. PRO CUP BEACH SOCCER STADIUM 1200 N. Pacific Street Oceanside, CA 92054
Only a team Official needs to attend to the check
in procedure on Friday, the team is not required
to attend.
Youth teams U8 through U19 will be required to provide the following at Check-In:
For Adult divisions, you will need to electronically sign the Waiver form found here(General Release and Waiver) for each player as well as uploading a copy of each player's identification (driver's license, state ID, etc.) Adult non pro teams CHeck in is mandatory for you as well on Friday.
10.Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and check back here on our website to stay up-to-date and view scores, field locations, and any additional information. Forward this website to your Parents and Spectators for up-to-date standings and scoring and shuttle services.
11. Have fun and enjoy BeSoCha!
2022-2023 player identification cards, medical release forms are required for each player (tournament is played under 2023-24 age groupings).
For USYS teams not affiliated with Cal South, travel papers approved by your state association are required; for US Club, AYSO, or Super Y League teams, approved team rosters must be presented.
PLEASE NOTE: AYSO teams will need to provide the following at check in:
1. Player Registration Form/Medical Release
2. Player Card (these are not automatically printed but can be requested by the team)
3. Team Roster for Travel with all proper signatures
4. Application for Travel with all proper signatures
Please note that under AYSO regulations individual AYSO players CANNOT GUEST on Cal South teams. Teams will need to register these players with Cal South in order for them to be covered by any insurance. AYSO allows teams to participate in non-AYSO tournaments with permission as stated – but individual players are not allowed. If they are to play as a guest on a team, they need to register with Cal South and be covered by that insurance
Manager To-Do list for Team Check-in
1. MANDATORY CHECK IN is Friday June 21, 2024, between 3pm-7pm at Tournament Central next to the Pro Stadium at the Oceanside Harbor (1200 North Pacific St. Oceanside 92054). Checking in your team on Saturday will result in a $100 late registration fee. Check in can be done by anyone who holds a manager or coaching card from your club. This is to ensure that we are able to start all games on time on Saturday, No Excpetions
2. All players must present picture identification issued by the team's Federation Organization Member (CalSouth, USYS, AYSO,U.S. Club) for the play year of 2023-2024.
3. Teams from outside California must provide proof of permission to travel (travel papers).
4. Medical Release and Waiver for each player from their respective Organization (USYS, CalSouth, AYSO,U.S. Club etc.)
5. When checking in please have player's cards and medical release form in jersey number order. This will help make it a more efficient check in process.
6. There are WRISTBANDS this year, All players will be required to wear wrist bands as this is how referee will check players before game. Before you sign your game card finalizing roster, double check you have all your players listed on the game card. After you sign, there will be no more add-ons.
7. Prior to each game, players will be checked in by the referee checking the wrist band. Each player needs a jersey number matching the game card. Make sure jersey numbers are visible for the referee.
8. ALWAYS check your schedules online the night before and the morning of to ensure no game time has changed.
9. The manager or coach will need to report your scores immediately after your game concludes to the support tent closes to your field by presenting your game card to the attendant. This will allow the scores to be updated on our website live. After you report your score, you will keep your card and take with you to the next game.